
Glen Sather – Complex Concussion Clinic
This clinic is a multi-disciplinary clinic for patients with prolonged concussion symptoms of 1-12 months directly related to Sport Concussion. An assembled expert team of concussion rehabilitation professionals will perform a complete concussion examination. A vestibular, occipital motor, and cervical assessment will be conducted by their physiotherapist. Their neurologist and neuropsychologist will screen and assess neurological function and perform neuropsychological testing, while their SMP reviews all previous diagnostic imaging and medical management. Together the team works to assess and establish a patient centered plan for post-concussion rehabilitation.
Peak Medical Specialties Clinic
Peak Medical is committed to enhancing the quality of life of those served through comprehensive patient care, testing and education. Quality patient care and education leads to improved compliance which results in better patient outcomes. With Peak Medical, people in need of timely consultations, diagnostic testing and education can be seen and served while reducing the burden on today’s healthcare system.

ImPACT is the most-widely used and most scientifically validated computerized concussion evaluation system. ImPACT provides trained clinicians with neurocognitive assessment tools that have been medically accepted as state-of-the-art best practices — as part of determining safe return to play/learn decisions. ImPACT baseline testing is the cornerstone of the ImPACT Concussion Management Model.

ImPACT Trained Physical Therapist. As the prevalence and awareness of concussions continues to rise, physical therapists have become an integral part of multi-disciplinary concussion management teams. Recognizing the need for physical therapists to be frontrunners in the education and treatment of concussion, ImPACT developed the ITPT program specifically for physical therapists.

Vestibular Disorder Association (VEDA) helps people find balance. Balance is easily taken for granted. However, when the fragile vestibular organs of the inner ear are damaged by illness or injury, anyone can lose the ability to balance—not just physically, but the demands of school, work, family, and independent living. These profound impacts are often made worse by the disorder’s invisibility to others and the extended amount of time it takes to get an accurate diagnosis. – See more
Sway Balance

Sway Balance is the first FDA-cleared mobile balance testing system that reinvents the way patients and athletes are monitored for signs of balance-related dysfunction. By measuring stability using the built-in motion sensors of any iOS mobile device, clinicians can quantify postural sway in virtually any setting.
Postural Restoration Institute

The Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI) was established in 2000 to explore and explain the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns and the influence of polyarticular chains of muscles. Our mission is based on the development of an innovative treatment that addresses the primary contributions of postural kinematic movement dysfunction.